Carnduff - A Community on the Move!



Click here to find us on google maps!

How far is Carnduff from....?

Regina, Saskatchewan - 282 kms (3 hours driving time)
Estevan, Saskatchewan - 92 kms (1 hour driving time)
Brandon, Manitoba - 200 kms (2 hours driving time)
Minot, North Dakota, USA - 143 kms (1.5 hours driving time)

Where is the closest airport?

Domestic & International Flights:
International Flights:

A Quick Look at Our Town


Where do I find certain things in Town?

Below are a number of maps in PDF format that outline some of the places that you can find services, etc in our town.  These places can also be found throughout our website with more information on them! Happy exploring!

Community, Park & Recreational Amenities

Health, Safety & Emergency Services

Heritage Buildings & Historic Places of Interest