Carnduff - A Community on the Move!


Prairie Wild Town Meeting

Apr 24, 2013

Help Plan for the Future of the RM of Mount Pleasant and Town of Carnduff!

What do you envision for your community and surrounding area in the future?  Imagine 25+ years: What does it look like? Who’s living here?  What kinds of businesses and industry activities are going on?  Where are people playing when they’re not working?  These are the types of questions we want to ask you.

The RM of Mount Pleasant and Town of Carnduff are currently working together to create a long-range plan (horizon of 25+ years) known as a District Plan. The District Plan will outline the District’s vision, goals and policies regarding future growth and development.  This process will also include the creation of up-to-date Zoning Bylaws for each of the municipalities

As a community stakeholder, we value and need your guidance and feedback as we work together to build the direction of our community’s vision, goals and opportunities.  We’d like to discuss the future plans for your community through a number of planning themes such as Land use potentials, recreational amenities, social development, transportation, infrastructure, natural resources, community economic development and tourism, inter-municipal relationships

Our planning consultant, Prairie Wild Consulting Co., will be facilitating a Community Engagement Meeting within the Town of Carnduff to develop our District Plan and Zoning Bylaws.

We would like to invite you to an upcoming Community Meeting in the Town of Carnduff which will be held at the Legion Hall (202 4 St. W.) on May 8, 2013. The meeting will be held from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm with refreshments to be served.

Please RSVP with the RM of Mount Pleasant and Town of Carnduff Economic Development Officer, Jasmin Carlton by Friday, May 3, 2013 by phone, 306-482-3503 or e-mail,

If you have any further questions please contact Samantha Mark with Prairie Wild Consulting by phone, (306) 371-7719 or by e-mail,

We look forward to seeing you there! 

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