Carnduff - A Community on the Move!


2012 Waterworks Financial Overview

Aug 17, 2013

Town of Carnduff

2012 Waterworks Financial Overview


  • Total waterworks revenues (R) - $335,990
  • Total waterworks expenditures (E) - $287,113
  • Total debt payments on waterworks infrastructure loans (D) - $68,283
  • Comparison of waterworks revenues to expenditures plus debt payments, expressed as a ratio –
    ($335,990)                             = 94.5%
    ($287,113) + $68,283

    - For 2012, waterworks revenues covered 94.5% of the waterworks expenditures


The following additional information is available at the municipal office on the waterworks:

  • The June 1, 2006 waterworks rate policy and capital investment strategy
  • Capital plans in place and related sources of funding for the projects as set forth in the Five Year Capital Plan of the municipality.
  • 2012 financial overview of the waterworks
  • Waterworks reserves
  • A copy of the 2011 waterworks assessment

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